可访问性 Resource Office

澳门合法赌场官网无障碍资源办公室与学生和校园社区合作,为所有学生提供平等的教育和住房机会, regardless of one’s sex, 性别, 性别 identity or expression, 性取向, 比赛, 种族, 宗教身份, 资深地位, 年龄, 国家的起源, 和/或残疾. 无障碍资源办公室为因诊断而遇到障碍的学生提供住宿, including (but not limited to) ADHD, learning disabilities, chronic medical conditions, psychiatric conditions, 视力障碍, and hearing impairments. 无障碍资源办公室还协调为有临时诊断的学生提供住宿, including (but not limited to) concussions, 骨折, and post-surgery recovery. Accommodations are not retroactive, 我们鼓励有(残疾)能力的学生在学期开始前注册和/或要求更新住宿. 学生需要在每学年完成住宿的年度更新.

Request Accommodations

Request Accommodations


1)完成 可访问性 Resource Office| Intake Application.


3)在收到入学申请和文件之前,不会审查住宿请求. Once both the intake application and documentation are received, 无障碍资源办公室的工作人员可以与学生联系,以确定合理的住宿. 请注意,办公室工作人员的回复可能需要长达两周的时间. 查看您的ISU电子邮件,了解AARO工作人员的通信或通过Maxient发出的通知.


Documentation Requirements

Please submit documentation in pdf form. All documentation must contain the following: specific 诊断 (or diagnoses); description of the 限制(s) 和/或影响(s) of the condition(s);轮廓 accommodations requested; and address 住宿设施如何直接减少或缓解这些状况?, 限制(s), 和/或影响(s). 文档可以包括以下一种或多种类型的文档, which may be combined to address the above required information.


  • IEP计划/ 504
  • 医疗记录
  • Full evaluation/diagnostic report (e.g. MFE ETR)
  • Cognitive/learning assessments (e.g. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, Woodcock-Johnson III)
  • Accommodation provider form请注意,虽然这个表格是一个指南,以确保住宿供应商提供所有类型的信息, 由于空间限制,护理提供者可能需要附加额外的页面来彻底解决这个问题.
  • 医疗保健澳门合法赌场官网人员用官方抬头信出具的信函,信中须包含:
    • A Statement of Diagnosis
    • 一份与你在入学申请中要求的住宿相匹配的推荐/规定住宿的声明. For example, if you are 如果您需要一个私人房间,您的住宿供应商必须包含该建议.
  • 还需要一份关于建议/规定的住宿将如何帮助缓解诊断条件的声明.  
  • 信函还必须包含住宿提供者的清晰姓名和签名,以及地址和联系信息,以便核实. 

How to Report an 可访问性 Concern

To report an accessibility issue, 你可以在工作时间给学生教务处打电话, 8:00 to 4:30 Monday-Friday, at 812-237-3829. 可访问性 issues may include out-of-order elevators, accessible doors failing to open, or blocked/slippery ADA ramps. 请尽可能具体地说明无障碍问题.

You can also email AARO at isu-AARO@hadeslo.com with accessibility concerns.


Student Responsibilities

  • 希望申请住宿的学生必须填写入学表格并附上证明文件.
  • 学生 should watch for emails regarding their accommodations, including official correspondence through Maxient. AARO可能会要求额外的文件或面对面的会议来讨论所要求的住宿

Regarding Academic Accommodations:

  • 学生应该联系AARO关于课程安排的变化,以便适当的教师被告知批准的住宿.
  • 学生必须与教师沟通有关他们批准的住宿. AARO sends out official faculty notices each semester, but students should communicate to Faculty as needed.
  • 学生参与访问住宿(延长期限,借口缺席等.) must communicate with faculty PRIOR to missing class/assignments. 这些通信应通过电子邮件进行,以便存档.
  • 学生 must renew their accommodations each academic year.

Regarding Housing Accommodations:

  • 学生必须完成住宿生活办公室的文书工作 之前 bringing AARO-approved Emotional Support Animals to campus.
  • 房间由住宿生活办公室根据当前库存分配. AARO cannot assign rooms, nor can we alter room assignments.



学生有权对无障碍和倡导资源办公室做出的决定提出上诉. 对批准或拒绝住宿的上诉必须在学生收到通知后的五个日历日内以书面形式提出. 学生可能会通过与工作人员会面,电子邮件或电话通知决定. The University has determined that University provided electronic mail is the official form of communication; therefore, 五个日历日的时间范围从发送电子邮件的时间开始. To complete an appeal, please send the information (name, 学号, ISU电子邮件地址, 以及你的上诉细节)寄给澳门合法赌场官网ADA协调员, Dr. 希瑟·韦伯,网址: 希瑟.Webb@hadeslo.com.

Faculty/Staff 资源

  • Maxient is the official software used by AARO. This is official communication from AARO and not spam. 请参阅以下教师住宿通知的示例:Maxient_ARRO


  • At the beginning of each academic semester, AARO will send notification of accommodations to instructors. If a student requests accommodations that you are not aware of, you may reach out to AARO for assistance.
  • 教师/讲师根据其教学的教学需要确定自己课程的合理性.
  • 学生可能会被批准为某些类型的项目提供替代方案的住宿, including alternatives to group projects and public speaking. 这些调整不能改变课程的内容或核心要素, 哪个是由教师根据他们的课程政策决定的. 由教师决定的替代作业应具有与原作业相同的价值和努力水平.
  • AARO建议任何关于住宿的沟通都通过国际学生联盟的电子邮件进行,以便存档. Feel free to CC AARO in email communications at isu-aaro@hadeslo.com


电话: 812-237-3829
传真: 812-237-4693
HMSU 816
电子邮件: aaro@hadeslo.com